Friday, June 6, 2008


A welcome and orientation from Dixon.


Unknown said...

I am looking forward to keeping in touch with the extension of our community on mission via this site...thanks for setting it up.

Randy Hoover-Dempsey. said...

I am praying for you guys as you take this important trip. Some questions I would suggest for the dojo are:
What is the Story that guides your life and your understanding of the world?
Does your guiding Story conflict with the Jesus story?
What do you do with that?
Is the Jesus story that you see at St. B's conform to the Jesus Story that you read in scripture?
I'm capitalizing Story to indicate that I mean Truth and not Fiction by this term.
Love in Jesus who is our Master, Randy

Natasha said...

I pray that by stepping apart from our community and into another, spiritual growth will occur in gaining perspective with the struggles those of others around us. We are excited to hear about your journey. I pray protection over the St. B's group and over Re-Imagine. Know that each of you are dearly and deeply loved by those of us here at home. We pray for those here who also will miss you in your absense. May God's peace remain with us always.

Al Andrews said...

Hey, our St. B.'s ambassadors! It is way too hot in TN. --hope you are enjoying a cool Pacific breeze up and down those little inclines. The Andrews household is unusually quiet without Hunter's electric guitar and amp. We are so glad you made it to San Fran. and count on our prayers and thoughts to be with you at the Dojo! Love, Al and Nita