Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jesus Dojo Day 4: Jesus as Storyteller and Artist

Today we pushed into the discipline of art making and advocacy as a spiritual practice. 

Our day began with a directed trip to

 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) calling us to reflect on what it means to make art and be creative like our Creator. Artists conceal and reveal in their craft. This same dynamic can be found in Jesus' parables. They tell you some things, but leave the

 hearers wanting more. Furthermore, this pattern of concealing and revealing goes toward answering some of life’s biggest questions (Who are we? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life?") The artists at MOMA answered these questions using everything from matching chocolate and soap sculptures to a signed toilet seat.

With our creative juices flowing we spent the afternoon working with a neighborhood advocacy campaign Reimagine launched called barrio libre. This campaign was developed to connect neighbors together and effect simple action to bring about positive change in the Mission. Our group participated in this campaign by distributing flyers, doing graffiti removal, picking up trash and making prayer flags. These simple acts really work toward

 making God’s dreams come true for the Mission.

The whole experience really stoked the fires of my imagination. How can I advocate for Kingdom change in my neighborhood. What are the opportunities? What are the barriers?

WE closed out the day by meeting with Seven, Reimagine's community gathering. ON this night one of the communities seven vows was explored (simplicity) through conversation about local eating mixed with bread making, Bible study and gardening. It was all right up our alley.

Ok, I have nothing left and I'm going to bed.

Tomorrow is our last day, keep praying!




Becky said...

I can't wait to hear more about your experiences and how you hope to put things God has shown you into practice at home. I know many of us back here are hungry for that kind of connection with neighbors....I am praying for all of you and keep walking forward!
Love, Becky

Mark and Susan Powell said...

As Fr. Jerry said in an earlier post, thanks for taking our youth to places most don't go. You are stretching them and really making them think about their faith in a way that most adults, myself included, have yet to consider.

John and Kendra said...

Kendra here.....I am so encouraged to hear about your daily adventures. There is just so much to learn from one another. I admire each of you for your courage to venture into unknown territory with your minds and hearts open (practicing Jesus dojo even in that). Can't wait to hear all about it! Praying for you....

eastbayrhea said...

Margaret P! I miss you!!!!!!! (and everyone else, but your pic just wanted me to give a shout out to my compadre)